Southland Contracting

Sanford, FL 32771

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  • Size 100-249 Employees

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Legacy Suites Apartments and Parking Garage

Project Information

Project Location:
Tallahassee, FL
Structure Type:
Apartments & Condominiums

Scope Of Work

The project began as a site redevelopment project. The existing site held a 277 units three story wood framed apartment complex over 40 years old. Site development in general was a challenge due to tight residential grade roads with student leased apartments on surrounding sites. Most of these surrounding complexes have insufficient parking forcing narrow streets to be reduced further due to on street parking. The redevelopment project consisted of a new four building four story wood framed apartment complex with 144 two bedroom units, a pool and a six level pre-stress concrete parking deck. The demolition of the existing apartment complex including all sub grade structures and utilities. Construction of a six level 304,397 square feet, 954 space parking deck. Construction of an extensive storm water retention area below the parking deck. Construction of a 12.5’ high, 420’ long retaining wall. Construction of a four story 144 unit two bedroom apartment complex.

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