
Rizzo Corp.


Danbury, CT 06810

Company Info

  • Est. 1981
  • Size 1-4 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

Featured Project Return to Projects List

Rogers Park Middle School

Project Information

Project Location:
Danbury, CT
Structure Type:
School / College / University

Scope Of Work

The City of Danbury chose Rizzo Corporation over twenty-six competitors as construction manager on this construction and renovation project. The project scope included a new Science Laboratory and Technical Education Classrooms, a new sewage pumping station constructed outside the existing building, upgrading the existing Media Center, expanding the existing cafeteria, and expanding and renovating the auditorium (including lighting, seating, and asbestos abatement). The existing wood gym floor was removed and replaced with a new epoxy floor.

We were closely involved in this project from inception and had a key role during the approval, design, and construction phases. Much of this addition and renovation project took place while the children were in school, and Rizzo took special care to ensure the safety of the children through our zero tolerance policy. 

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