
D. L. King & Assocs., Inc.


Nashua, NH 03062

Company Info

  • Est. 1983
  • Size 10-19 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

Featured Project Return to Projects List

Supreme Court Roof

Project Information

Project Location:
Nashua, NH
Structure Type:
Court House

Scope Of Work

New Hampshire Supreme Court Roof Upgrades

DL King was proud to have been awarded the NH Supreme Court Roof Upgrades Project. This project required abatement of asbestos-containing roof materials, and installation of 3 different roofing systems: synthetic slate, EPDM, and double lock standing seam metal roofing. keeping to a tight frame while dealing with numerous delays due to severe weather, DL King was able to complete the project both on time and on budget. This project also consisted of re-gilding the dome on top of the cupola, finish carpentry work on the cupola and the surrounding trim, and installation of spray foam insulation throughout the building, to mitigate ice damming. Attention to detail was key on this project, as there were 6 insulation and roof zones, all designed to keep ice from forming on the roof, through the use of both cold and warm attic spaces, as well as vented and un-vented roof systems.

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