
City Signs

Modesto, CA 95351

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  • Est. 1997
  • Size 20-49 Employees

Directional Signs for Building Complex - Modesto, CA

By: City Signs
July 2019

Could you relate: Driving into a building complex and going in circles trying to find the right suite? So many customers have this problem, and many times not having visible signage is the reason why potential customers turn around and leave. Not only do potential customers need help navigating through these buildings but so do potential employees and guests. Conduction a business that is hard to find can can be difficult and not to mention stressful.

Directional sign packages are extremely helpful to cater information and navigation to the public. These kinds of signs offer regulations and identification, security, and also can be used for safety purposes. There are many options that can help this cause including:

  • Directories to showcase where you are and where you can go.
  • Evacuation Maps for safety routes out of the building.
  • Entrance and Exit signs for efficient entering and leaving of your establishment.
  • Hanging Signs to point the way to traffic areas.
  • Doors Signs to identify what is inside of specific rooms.
  • Wall Signs to deliver information about specific rooms.

There are many more choices that can help aid in the delivery of your navigational information.

One of our more recent directories we have worked on was for the office of Compassionate Care located on Sisk Road in Modesto. This directional a double sided monument located on the exterior of the building facing the road side. We replaced an existing sign face with our customers brand and logo using a cut vinyl to display the correct colors onto an acrylic sign face . In the parking lot area there was second directional indicating the directions to where each suite is located. For this signage we used vinyl to display Compassionate Care along with their suite number and which direction there office is located. This kind of directional allows your guests to find the correct suite with no problem.

Existing Location, Aesthetic, Brand, Budget, Placement and more are all customization that can be made with directional signs. Don't think that because a directional sign is informative it needs to be boring, the choice is yours!

This method of signage offers custom letting, borders, embellishments, images and much more that all help create your perfect directional sign package.

Are you interested in learning how a directory sign can benefit your building? Give out office a call at 209.229.2220


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