
City Signs

Modesto, CA 95351

Company Info

  • Est. 1997
  • Size 20-49 Employees

Custom Restaurant Vehicle Graphics for Marketing and Advertising - Modesto,CA

By: City Signs
July 2019

Are you a restaurant owner looking for a better marketing technique or new ways to advertise? Does your restaurant deliver, caters, or offer even concessions? By utilizing your vehicle as park of your marketing tool you are guaranteed exposure anywhere you go!

Vehicle Graphics have any extraordinary impact on any business small or big. If you commute to and from work you will be able to showcase your service, brand, and logos to other drivers and pedestrians going walking by with out even noticing. By changing up your route a bit you can target an audience in specific locations.

Your vehicle graphics continue to work when your car is parked. Whether you are in a parking lot or next to a sidewalk, your vehicle marketing and advertising will be receiving hundreds or thousands of visual impressions, day and night.If you have a company vehicle or vehicles, vehicle graphics become even more valuable. Your vehicles will be mobile marketing machines, giving you great benefits while your drivers perform their duties.

Having your vehicle wrapped with personalized graphics allows the graphics to act as a second skin for your vehicle . Such as any second skin will this is extremely beneficial because it protects you vehicles original “first skin” from getting damaged. Here at City Signs we have work led on numerous vehicle wraps and because of our experience we know the right techniques to get your graphics on perfectly with no damage to the surface when removed and molding the graphics on exceed your highest expectations.

Your graphics might display your restaurant name, brand, and logos for customer recognition. By adding an enticing image and communicating your services you can encourage consumers to pay your restaurant a visit. Including any social media pages and promotional codes to receive complimentary appetizers or drinks on your vehicle graphics can also help drive in new customers.

One of the most recent vehicle graphics project we have worked on was for our customer Mango Crazy. Downtown Modesto, CA has just recently opened up a food truck court located on the corner of 9th and G Street called Grub Hubs where any workers, families, and group of friends can go to and enjoy a bite to eat with a variety of options. For the Mango Crazy Trailer we used a digitally printed cut vinyl showcasing their branding, logos, and menu items. We also utilized acrylic for the fabrication of their branding located on the top of their servicing windows. It was a real pleasure to help be a part of the creation of these graphics along with the installation process.

Ready for a Change?

If you added on a promotional graphics, no longer offer it, and need to have it removed, have no fear we can help with that! Removing vehicle graphics is fast and easy. The graphics can be removed causing no damage to the surface and can be ready for new graphics to deliver a different message.

Call our office today at 209.229.2220 or fill out the form. We look forward to working with you!

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