
City Signs

Modesto, CA 95351

Company Info

  • Est. 1997
  • Size 20-49 Employees

Stockton, CA- Custom Banner Stand Signs for Events, Trade Shows, and Meetings (Indoor Signs)

By: City Signs
February 2019

Has your business ever thought bout attending a trade show to promote your business? These events are great for marketing your business by displaying what your company has to offer and what benefits your clients will have by working with you. In order to maximize your marketing strategies you need the right tools. Our displays help promote the pertinent information that your potential clients will want to know. This information includes your products, serves, and all of  the benefits that come along with it. One of the top sellers we have for these types of events is the retractable banner stand, as they always bring businesses success.

Retractable banner are quick and easy to set up, and will create a high impact visual reaction with consumers who are nearby. These signs will help bring your display to the next level. Set up a consultation today to sit with one of our designers to customize the best sign fir you. We will assess what your marketing goals are and match it with the brand of your company. After we have established the goal and design of the product, we can begin with fabrication.

We recently worked with Sierra Pacific Warehouse Group and produced (4) 33.5" x 81.5" pop up banners with the roll up stands.  We printed the decals onto 13 oz banner material.

Retractable banners are usually made of a heavy vinyl that allows for curl free resistance, but can also be printed on paper and fabric. This ensures your banner will remain vibrant, easy to read, and effective. They come in various sizes, based on the location where you will be during your trade show, business expo, or event.  The most common sizes for these products are between 36 and 96 inches in height, and 9 to 60 inches in width. In order for your sign to leave an impression that lasts forever, our fabricators use only the highest quality materials, and the latest equipment. Come by our showroom, so we can show you examples we have on hand!

Regardless of what type of business you have or what you marketing needs are, our team can provide you with custom graphics for any sign you wanting. There are many advantages that come with this sign, contact us today  at 209.229.2220 to discuss your options.

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