
City Signs

Modesto, CA 95351

Company Info

  • Est. 1997
  • Size 20-49 Employees

Turlock, Ca- Custom Window Graphics for Infinity Nail Spa

By: City Signs
October 2018

Vinyl window graphics, permanent-rated vinyl, and other materials can also be used for temporary or permanent window graphics. are ideal for a temporary storefront business display. They are perfect for showcasing a new product, a sale, or an event. You can easily remove the graphics once they have served their purpose. These custom-made window graphics install quickly and easily, adhering perfectly while you want to keep them up. They are temporary but look more professional than a paper sign or other stopgap solution.

Businesses that see success with these types of marketing tools include:

Retail Stores


Barber Shops/Salons

Grocery Stores

Medical Offices

And More!

Whether temporary or permanent, window graphics for storefront businesses serve a practical purpose on top of being great advertisements. They work well to add privacy and light blocking to the interior of a building. In this way, they can make the inside of your space more comfortable while acting as an eye-catching ad on the outside. If you still want customers to be able to see out of the windows, perforated vinyl is ideal for this application, creating a solid look on the outside while allowing in light. Visibility through the graphic can be controlled by choosing the level of perforation required. You can decorate windows with graphics in your company colors, post your contact information for potential customers who drop by when you are closed, or show off images of your top products. Whatever you can imagine, we can make it happen.

Your storefront business window is waiting to become more than just an empty pane of glass. Give us a call today to schedule a free consultation. Give us a call today at 209-549-2412.

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