
City Signs

Modesto, CA 95351

Company Info

  • Est. 1997
  • Size 20-49 Employees

CA, Modesto - Reverse Pan Channel Letter Sign Logo for Harvest Moon Restaurant

By: City Signs
August 2018

Recently, we received a call from the Harvest Moon Restaurant in Modesto, CA. They were looking for a sign company that would create a unique exterior sign for them. As their eatery is an older two-story building, there was room above the entrance for a unique sign. We were glad to come out and we said that a non-illuminated reverse pan channel sign with a logo would do well here. There was room to make the channel letters as big or as small as needed for a stunning visual effect.

As you can see, the new channel letter sign was a big hit. Everyone loves it, and why not? It looks as if it was made for this restaurant. The restaurant name is in larger letters than the word 'restaurant,' which offsets the whole thing nicely. Then there is the attractive logo that sits atop the channel letters. It's been said by many that this sign is a wonderful improvement over the old one.

The Harvest Moon Restaurant in Modesto, CA is a family-friendly dining room with vibrantly colored walls. The cuisine is homestyle American fare and it's become a most popular place. Everyone loves the menu items, especially the excellent burgers and Cajun penne pasta. If you're in the mood for a late breakfast, you can find it here, too.

To create the sign for the Harvest Moon Restaurant, we used a 1/2” acrylic router to cut the letters to shape. They were painted black to match and flush-mounted with studs. The logo was created using 3”-deep aluminum letter returns painted to match in black. This logo also included a white vinyl overlay and the logo was flush-mounted to the wall with studs.

Channel lettering has become one of our most popular sign motifs and they should be as they are versatile and can be cut to any size. When mounted in large exterior spaces, they couldn't look better. Even though this sign was non-illuminated, it is still very visible and attractive. Channel letters can look good wherever you find them.

At City Signs, we look forward to helping you with your next business sign project. We've been helping local businesses for over 20 years and all you need do is give us a call at 209-229-2220.

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