
City Signs

Modesto, CA 95351

Company Info

  • Est. 1997
  • Size 20-49 Employees

Tracy, CA - Window Decals for Stroup Insurance and Financial

By: City Signs
August 2018

Not too long ago, we spoke to the staff at the Stroup Insurance and Financial Agency in Tracy, CA. They were looking for a polished solution for their existing storefront windows. We suggested window decals as a budget-friendly option and they agreed. So, we got to work.

As you can see in the picture, the window decals spruced up the look of their building. It went from drab and plain to welcoming and professional. They were pleased with the final product and we were as well.

Stroup Insurance and Financial Agency is located in Tracy, CA and the contact there is Nate Stroup. They offer a full line of insurance and financial products for you to choose from.

For the window graphic, we went with a cut vinyl. The colors we used were 3M Indigo 27 and CP 02 White. We got the design from them, using their existing logo, and then we created and installed the cut vinyl window graphics. Our installation promises a straight edge and a flawless attachment to the window. You never have to worry about unattractive bumps and wrinkles.

Window graphics can spruce up your existing storefront windows, too. In fact, they can spruce up any part of your business. Graphics are such a versatile tool, you can place them almost anywhere. Graphics can make a big change to the location of your company when placed on a ceiling, a floor, a wall, a door, or even inside of your elevator. Having an amazing looking place of business starts a chain reaction. You have a customer, they tell five friends about your décor, they each tell five friends, and so on. Before you know it, sales have increased. Graphics can not only display your logo as a sign, but can also display things like pictures of your best dishes, photographs or people using your product, or showcase your company’s history. Graphics can be big or small, colorful, or black and white; if you envision it, we can create it.

So, why haven’t we met you yet? We are ready to work with you and we can be reached by dialing 209-229-2220. You can also swing by our website, at www.citysignsmodesto.com, to submit your information for a free quote. Now is the time to boost the appearance and effectiveness of your location.

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