

North Las Vegas, NV 89030

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  • Est. 2002
  • Size 20-49 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Repair Generator with Auto Transfer Switch (High-voltage Substation)

Project Information

Project Location:
Structure Type:


Hill Air Force Base

Scope Of Work

E-Corp performed this project while court was in session. To avoid disrupting occupants, we worked as quietly as possible and only used loud tools when court was not in session. Despite working around active courtrooms, E-Corp completed this demolition and office construction project on time.

For this project, we designed and constructed an extensive renovation of a federal judge’s chambers. The existing conditions were very dated and dirty. The first part of this job included asbestos abatement of 9”x 9” floor tile and mastic. Then we moved to demolition of all ceiling tile and partial amounts of the grid. A portion of the walls were removed and reframed to different locations. Next we replaced drywall and installed new ceiling grid and fire sprinklers in designated areas.

At the same time, all wallpaper was removed from plaster walls and they were skim coated. The entire site was painted with colors of the judge’s choice. In the kitchen area, we installed new tile on the floor and new oak cabinetry. The reception area also received new oak cabinetry. We installed new custom oak base throughout the entire space, as well as custom-made chair railing and crown molding in designated areas. We installed new light fixtures and all new devices throughout. The GSA provided carpet that E-Corp installed throughout.

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