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  • Est. 2002
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F-22 Hangar 206 Restore Fire Protection System

Project Information

Project Location:
Structure Type:


Hill Air Force Base

Scope Of Work

The F-22 Hangar 206 Restore Fire Protection project was a highly specialized design-build project. E-Corp upgraded an existing hangar to meet all Air Force requirements for fire and life safety to allow maintenance work on F-16s and C-130s in the same hangar. The design included seven strategically placed generators to disperse fire foam over aircraft, as well as the upgrade and synchronization of the fire alarm system to work in conjunction with the foam and sprinkler system. A large part of the project included comprehensive commissioning and testing of the complete system, including discharge and coverage verification of the foam generators, as shown in the picture.

One big challenge that surfaced during design was the government’s request for additional fire protection areas to accommodate more aircraft. This impacted a very tight schedule with two critical path milestones. The first milestone required construction be completed before Hill AFB’s annual air show and the second milestone involved a follow-on contract to remodel additional spaces in the hangar.

To resolve these conflicts, E-Corp acquired approval to purchase long-lead items (the foam generators) while waiting for a contract modification and final design. Additionally, we added extra shifts and crews at the start of construction to get the generators installed before the air show. Two weeks prior to the air show, we removed all evidence of construction and cleaned the area to allow free access and present well to the base and its visitors. After the air show, we brought in additional crews to complete the remaining work and test the systems before the second construction phase began. Both of the government’s needs/milestones were met without impacting the aircraft maintenance program schedule of the hangar.

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