Stars & Stripes Protective Services

Burbank, CA 91506

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Our Story

Stars and Stripes Protective Services is emerging as one of the top security service providers in the security guard industry in the state of California! Our management team, with more than 20 years of combined security knowledge and experience, is uniquely equipped to provide reliable, uninterrupted, high quality security services. The management is committed to upholding such services in compliance with the policies and procedures as set forth by the state in conjunction with client requirements and to the highest standards of current industry practices.

At Stars and Stripes Protective Services, our philosophy and major goal is simple…professionalism! It is in every aspect of the company - experienced management, well-trained employees, state-of-the-art equipment. Through this, we are positioned in delivering total customer satisfaction to every client that we serve. Understanding exactly each client’s needs and expectations is paramount to providing a successful security.

The Stars and Stripes Protective Services organization of today is a team, made up of motivated people, with every person in the company a “team player” performing to his/her fullest capacity and expectation. We are a team filled with pride and spirit of the services we provide. The Stars and Stripes management understands that in order to provide total quality service to all our clients, we must also provide total quality support to our employees.


What We Do

Regions & Counties Serviced

  • California-Los Angeles and Vicinity

California 1

  • Los Angeles

Our CSI Codes

01 35 53 - Security Procedures

Project Experience

  • Non-Union
  • Public
  • Private


Featured Image 1
We are located in Los Angeles County.

Associations & Memberships

BBB (Better Business Bureau)
BBB (Better Business Bureau)
NFIB (National Federation of Independent Businesses)
NFIB (National Federation of Independent Businesses)
CALSAGA (California Assn. of Licensed Security Agencies, Guards & Associate
CALSAGA (California Assn. of Licensed Security Agencies, Guards & Associate
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