
Gentosi Constr. Consultg. & Litigation


Irvine, CA 92614

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  • Est. 1940
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Environmental Nature Center

Project Information

Project Location:
Newport Beach, CA
Structure Type:
Office Building
LEED Certification (target):

Scope Of Work

Gentosi completed construction of the new state-of-the-art learning center at the Environmental Nature Center in Newport Beach. This 8,500-square foot facility achieved the highest level of 'green' building certification: LEED Platinum. This LEED award is the highest designation available to buildings that demonstrate energy efficiency and sustainability. This project is one of fewer than 100 buildings worldwide to receive this designation.

The project consists of two buildings: the first includes a museum featuring many exhibits illustrating California's biodiversity, as well as classrooms and a retail store; the second building houses the administrative offices, library, and meeting room. This new learning center is surrounded by 3.5 acres of native plant communities, wildlife habitat, walking trails, and a butterfly house.

Visitors to this LEED Platinum building will see examples of sustainable practices in the form of natural ventilation, reduced water usage, use of locally manufactured and recycled materials, and on-site energy production by a photovoltaic array and wind turbine.

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