
McGough Construction


Duluth, MN 55802

Company Info

  • Est. 1956
  • Size 500+ Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Abbott Data Center Expansion (Tier III)

Project Information

Project Location:
Plymouth, MN
Structure Type:
Data Centers - Mission Critical


Architectural Alliance

Scope Of Work

This project is the expansion of an existing data center at the St. Jude Medical campus that provides worldwide service and which required the demolition of existing office space to facilitate expansion of the firm’s ”live” data center. The 1,800-square foot build-out was completed in an occupied space without interruption to the operations of the existing data center, and involved daily deactivation and activation of the data center monitoring systems. McGough personnel worked closely with St. Jude Medical to coordinate shutdowns to ensure minimal operational disruption. New equipment was installed, including mechanical and electrical systems; SDUs/PDUs; CRAC units; Genset 600kw; Liebert units; EPO system; dry coolers; and EPS modules. McGough developed and implemented a risk management plan to guide daily construction activities; administered a strict environmental control program; and prepared and executed pre-commissioning and commissioning for the existing and new data center.

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