
KBR, Inc.


Austin, TX 78752

Company Info

  • Est. 1998
  • Size 500+ Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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IMOC II – Human Spaceflight Integrated Mission Operations

Project Information

Project Location:
Houston, TX
Structure Type:
Office Building


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Scope Of Work

KBR delivers unmatched expertise in Human Spaceflight (HSF) planning, training, and flight execution, including real-time flight control, astronaut and flight controller training, and new vehicle design, development and testing on the Integrated Mission Operations Contract (IMOC II).

Having trained every astronaut, cosmonaut, and International Partner (IP) astronaut how to live and work on every human spaceflight vehicle in use today, KBR has a heritage that goes back to the beginning of HSF with the Mercury program. Our extensive knowledge and experience base is used to fulfill customer requirements for the primary components of the IMOC II, including:

Planning – Flight design and analysis; operations product development and certification, including crew and ground procedures, flight rules, hazard controls, command and telemetry.

Training – Astronaut, flight controller, instructor, and analyst training and certification; simulator requirements development, testing, and operation; curriculum design and development; and training integration and scheduling. We are also training astronauts for future missions to the Moon on the Orion, Gateway, and Human Lander System vehicles.

Flying – 24/7/365 real-time mission execution; vehicle command and control; International Partner integration with Russia, Canada, Europe, and Japan.

In addition, KBR delivers extensive support to operations activity for new vehicle, system, and program designs for the Boeing Starliner (CST-100), Orion, Space Launch System, Gateway, and Human Lander System.

Providing highly qualified, experienced personnel to support ISS sustaining engineering activities involving ISS human factors (engineering, analysis and performance assessment), extravehicular activity and crew accommodations, environmental control and life support, and flight and mission operations systems analysis. KBR supplies expertise to ensure accurate product deliveries for ISS Program Avionics and Software Integration, coordination, and support activities. While assisting the astronaut office, KBR also organizes appearances, scheduling, social media, crew equipment, and training integration.

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