
Artistry in Architectural Grilles & Metal

New Hyde Park, NY 11040

Company Info

  • Est. 1939
  • Size 20-49 Employees

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New York City Hospital Lobby

Project Information

Project Location:
New York, NY
Structure Type:
Hospital / Nursing Home

Scope Of Work

Our customer’s objective was to have a stainless steel, linear bar grille manufactured to match the finish and style of a newly installed mirror polished stainless steel radiation enclosure within a renovated hospital lobby. Due to security and safety concerns, the grilles had to not only be structurally strong, but also firmly secured to the unit to prevent unintended removal.

Artistry in Architectural Grilles’ engineering and manufacturing team designed a custom “C” style frame allowing for secure fastening as well as professional removal to access the unit’s controls.  This was accomplished with mechanically fastened frames in concert with mechanically fastened removable cores.  All of which were given a #8 mirror polish finish to perfectly match the existing convector enclosure.

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