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  • Est. 1970

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St Paul’s Cathedral

Project Information

Project Location:
Pittsburgh, PA
Completed - Jan 2006
Structure Type:
Church / Synagogue


St. Paul's Cathedral

Scope Of Work

Please note that projects like this are far from our norm. However,  we took it on because it was unlike anything we’d done before, and we embraced the challenges that came with it. This was a specialized project that involved matching 100-year old moldings and seamlessly integrating the new with the old. The specific geometry of the moldings are symbolic and we needed to honor that symbolism to an exacting standard. In order to accomplish this, we employed Hollywood special effects materials to match the molding. We worked around the clock in order to make our deadline on this project and it was particularly challenging to work in such a sensitive environment (a working, functioning cathedral).


Hollywood Special Effects Materials

High End Carpentry

3D Machining

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