
Clarke & Co., Inc.


Grand Junction, CO 81503

Company Info

  • Est. 1995
  • Annual Vol < $500,000

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Piceance Basin

Project Information

Project Location:
Structure Type:
Non-Building Construction

Scope Of Work

The revegetation of oil and gas disturbances in the Piceance Basin is where Clarke & Co.’s Reclamation and Environmental Division began and it continues to the be the largest portion of the business segment. We have reclaimed thousands of acres using all types and techniques of revegetation (everything from raking in seed by hand to utilizing helicopters for delivery of hydraulic applications) on interim reclaims, final reclaims, new pad and road constructions, pipelines, and facilities for a dozen different operators and dozens more contractors. Additionally we have experience in reclamation and compliance in solar sites as well and look forward to working on more in the near future. We are very proud of the reputation we have in the Energy segment and even more proud of the amount of ground that we have healed in both a sensitive environment and political climate.

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