
CES Commercial Roofing

Tampa, FL 33612

Company Info

  • Est. 2014
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Tiffany Square Retail / Business Plaza

Project Information

Project Location:
Englewood, FL
Structure Type:
Retail Store

Scope Of Work

The 52,000 sq. ft. metal panel roof system on this plaza in Englewood, Florida is over 20 years old, and most of the 26 units in the plaza were experiencing roof leaks. Dan Weinfield, Board President, contacted CES Commercial Roofing to inspect the roof and speak with the Board about a long-term solution to restore the waterproofing.

The Board entered into contract with CES Commercial Roofing, and work began on July 25, 2017.

The project took 15 business days to complete and included

power washing

priming the entire surface

spray applying closed-cell polyurethane foam along wall flashing and penetrations

individually sealing every lap seam and fastener on the entire roof

spray applying a top coat of high-solid, commercial grade silicone elastomeric

a 10 year full system waterproofing warranty

Call CES Commercial Roofing for your large commercial, industrial, or residential and condominium buildings. We offer free roof inspections and can provide a solution to your situation to meet your budget and restore your roofing system.

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