
CES Commercial Roofing

Tampa, FL 33612

Company Info

  • Est. 2014
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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First Baptist Church

Project Information

Project Location:
St. Petersburg, FL
Structure Type:
Church / Synagogue

Scope Of Work

This 24,000 sq. ft. roof consisted of smooth modified bitumen that was originally refurbished using an aluminum based elastomeric.

The project required extensive power washing to remove the aluminum coating. Then a base coat of primer was applied to ensure a good bond for the top coat of high-solid silicone. After the prep work was completed, the roof was spray applied with 2.0 gallons per square of high-solid silicone elastomeric for a 10 year labor and material full-system warranty.

The project began in the heart of rainy season and despite the daily rains, was completed within 4 business days. The customer is ecstatic and really amazed on how “cool” to the touch the roof is now with the highly reflective cool roof now completed.

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