
CES Commercial Roofing

Tampa, FL 33612

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  • Est. 2014
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Bank of America Building

Project Information

Project Location:
Belleair Bluffs, FL
Structure Type:

Scope Of Work

This 5,800 sq. ft. commercial building, located in Belleair Bluffs, Florida, is leased and operated by the Bank of America. The roofing system was re-covered nearly 4 years ago. But the contractor did such a poor job that the building had developed multiple leaks throughout the underside of the roof. It was imperative that the roof be waterproofed prior to the upcoming rainy season.

John Giles, the owner of the building, wanted an alternative to working with his former roofing contractor. He contacted CES Commercial Roofing after receiving a direct mail flyer. Mr. Giles flew down to Florida from his home in Massachusetts to meet with CommEnerSys manager Jim Wolff, and contracted the company to complete the needed roof restoration work.

First spray polyurethane foam was used to build up the low, depressed areas that were holding ponding water. Then a top coat of silicone elastomeric (96% high-solid) was applied. The result is a complete monolithic, seamless, waterproofing restoration.

The roofing system is now restored with a highly reflective, and highly energy efficient waterproofing restoration with a 10 year labor and material full system warranty.

As an added benefit, Duke Energy is rebating the cost of this project at $.15 per square foot in cash to Mr. Giles.

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