
CES Commercial Roofing

Tampa, FL 33612

Company Info

  • Est. 2014
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Bacon’s Furniture Galleries

Project Information

Project Location:
Port Charlotte, FL
Structure Type:
Retail Store

Scope Of Work

Bacon’s Furniture Galleries is a 125,000 square foot retail center located in Charlotte County, Florida. The building houses an expansive showroom, corporate offices, and warehouse space. Frustrated by excessive power bills and a leaky roof system, Bacon’s contacted CES Commercial Roofing for professional advice and guidance.

One 55,000 sq. ft. section of the roof had a serious leak that required immediate attention. CES Commercial Roofing recommended and installed a new roofing system using spray polyurethane foam and a 96% high solid silicone elastomeric to provide both energy efficiency and waterproofing.

Because the new roof installation was integrated into the photovoltaic solar installation, Bacon’s realized a 30% federal tax credit, which saved tens of thousands of dollars off the roofing installation.

Newly Restored Roofing System

Bacon’s leaky roof problems were solved with the new spray foam roof system. In addition, the monthly power bill was reduced from $9,000/month to $3,000/month through installation of a highly energy efficient roof system and photovoltaic solar array.

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