
Stratosphere Networks

Evanston, IL 60201

Company Info

  • Est. 2003
  • Size 50-99 Employees
  • Annual Vol $6 million - $10 million

Stratosphere Networks Named to CRN's 2020 Managed Service Provider (MSP) 500 List

By: Lori Leonardo
February 2020

CHICAGO – Stratosphere Networks has been named to the 2020 Managed Service Provider (MSP) 500 list in the Pioneer 250 category by CRN, a brand of The Channel Company, for the third consecutive year. The annual list highlights top North American technology providers and consultants that demonstrate innovative approaches to delivering managed services. The organizations included on the list help their clients improve operational efficiencies and systems to maximize their return on IT investments.

Especially in today's digital age, MSPs provide crucial support and services to help businesses tackle digital transformation and successfully adopt and maintain complex technologies. CRN's MSP 500 list recognizes forward-thinking MSPs that offer cutting-edge and groundbreaking solutions.

The MSP 500 list is divided into three categories: the Pioneer 250, which includes companies with business models largely weighted toward managed services and focused on small and midsize businesses (SMBs); the Security 100, which recognizes organizations that focus mostly on cloud-based, off-premise security services; and the Elite 150, which includes large, data-center focused MSPs with a strong mix of on- and off-premises services.

Stratosphere Networks delivers comprehensive managed services (including co-managed IT and managed cybersecurity services) and trusted advisor services to businesses across all industries. The company was also named to the MSP 500 list in the Pioneer 250 category in 2019 and 2018.

"We're honored that CRN chose to include us on the MSP 500 list again this year," said Steve Melchiorre, CEO of Stratosphere Networks. "Our team works hard every day to empower our clients with exceptional IT support and services, and we're very pleased to earn recognition for our efforts."

For the full MSP 500 list, please visit CRN's website.

About Stratosphere Networks

Stratosphere Networks is a Chicago-based multifaceted IT managed service provider focused on delivering comprehensive technology services and solutions to meet and exceed the always-changing, diverse business needs. Since 2003, Stratosphere Networks has grown exponentially and continues to provide the best-in-class and cost-effective solutions to businesses in all industries. Visit www.stratospherenetworks.com for more information.

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