
Plumber Pro Service & Drain


Watkinsville, GA 30677

Company Info

  • Est. 2015
  • Size 20-49 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Our Story

Since its establishment in 2015, the singular mission of our company has been to emerge as the go-to plumbing solution for both residential and commercial sectors. Spanning over a decade, this dedication has not faltered but strengthened, as evidenced by our extensive track record of serving thousands of contented clients and successfully resolving innumerable plumbing challenges. Our journey, which began over ten years ago, has been marked by a relentless pursuit of excellence and customer satisfaction in the plumbing industry. This unwavering dedication has been the cornerstone of our success and growth. As we navigated through the challenges and demands of the industry, our focus has always been on providing top-notch service, utilizing the latest technologies and techniques to ensure efficient and effective solutions for every plumbing need. Throughout these years, we have built a reputation for reliability and expertise, hallmarks that have attracted a diverse clientele. From small residential fixes to large-scale commercial projects, our team of skilled professionals has demonstrated an unparalleled ability to handle a broad spectrum of plumbing issues with precision and care. Our commitment to quality has not only earned us thousands of satisfied customers but also positioned us as leaders in the plumbing sector, a status we strive to maintain and enhance with each passing year. As we look towards the future, our goal remains clear: to continue being the plumbing superhero for our clients. We are committed to evolving and adapting, ensuring that we stay at the forefront of industry advancements and continue to exceed customer expectations. Our story is one of dedication, expertise, and a steadfast commitment to serving the needs of our community, and we are excited to forge ahead, building on our legacy of trust and excellence in the plumbing industry.

What We Do

Commercial Experience

Hospital / Nursing Home Hotel / Motel Restaurant School / College / University

Regions & Counties Serviced

  • Georgia

Georgia 6

  • Barrow
  • Clarke
  • Gwinnett
  • Jackson
  • Oconee
  • Walton

Our CSI Codes

22 01 10 - Operation and Maintenance of Plumbing Piping and Pumps
22 01 30 - Operation and Maintenance of Plumbing Equipment
22 01 40 - Operation and Maintenance of Plumbing Fixtures
22 05 76 - Facility Drainage Piping Cleanouts
22 06 10 - Schedules for Plumbing Piping and Pumps
22 06 10.13 - Plumbing Pump Schedule
22 06 30.13 - Domestic Water Heater Schedule
22 10 00.00.01 - Plumbing Piping and Pumps
22 13 19.13 - Sanitary Drains
33 01 30.13 - Sewer and Manhole Testing
33 01 30.16 - TV Inspection of Sewer Pipelines
33 01 30.71 - Rehabilitation of Sewer Utilities
33 05 19 - Pressure Piping Tied Joint Restraint System
33 13 00.00.01 - Disinfecting of Water Utility Distribution
33 39 23 - Sanitary Utility Sewerage Cleanouts

Project Experience

  • Private
  • Service Work/Repairs


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