Crafted Earth, Inc.


San Rafael, CA 94901

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Laytonville Strawbale Residence

Project Information

Project Location:
Completed - Jan 2003
Structure Type:
Residential Building

Scope Of Work

The Hart Residence is a net-zero energy, 2500 SF home built of straw bales, wood, and earthen plasters. Its passive solar design and effective insulation keep inhabitants comfortable in extreme summer and winter temperatures with only one wood stove. The sustainable features include an earthen floor, earthen plaster interiors, straw bale walls, heavy timber framing, greywater recycling systems, solar panels, and windfall redwood windows. Net-zero homes like the Hart Residence can be designed and built for similar costs to conventional construction, and with California Title 24 policies aiming to make all new residential construction net-zero by 2020, earthen buildings are an increasingly wise investment.

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