Crafted Earth, Inc.


San Rafael, CA 94901

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Humboldt Street Residence

Project Information

Project Location:
Structure Type:
Residential Building

Scope Of Work

This project in the Sun Valley neighborhood of San Rafael presented an interesting problem on a corner lot. The clients wished to expand their master bedroom into a master suite with bath and walk-in closet, but the only logical space for the addition was a corner that projected into one of the most public intersections in the neighborhood. This made for tricky navigation of the public and private positioning of the project. We studied and framed ideal views from the shower’s vantage point by importing a topographic model of the entire Sun Valley area. Our design features a butterfly roof to bring in a great deal of light while maintaining privacy. The exterior form is entirely resultant from this view study, and now on the busiest corner in the neighborhood, in the flattest most central part of the valley, these homeowners can shower in privacy with soothing views of the treetops and the expansive ridge line views.

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