
Glen Roofing Corporation

Yonkers, NY 10705

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By: Edison Carrera
October 2018

Gutter Installation is something with which you can never compromise as you never want to have issues related to water damage at your home. In case, your house is not having a proper drainage system installed at the roof, then you may get into some serious issues such as leakage, mold development, cracks in the walls etc. In order to ensure that you receive the best quality of repair job by your gutter installation contractor, here we have a list of 5 important questions which you should ask to avoid any quality of service problems.

Roof Warranty

When you hire a gutter contractor to install toppers on your roof to prevent any dirt and debris entering into the drains, the product is placed at roof line under shingles. Any alterations made to the roof job done in the past by the gutter installation service can bring your roof insurance to stand null and void. Therefore, you should always ask about the effect of gutter installation on your roof in order to prevent warranty issues.

Use of Ladder

There are so many issues which may require to reach on the top of the roof for fixing them, using a ladder, no matter it is about gutter or damaged parts of the roof. Also, you have to frequently get on the roof for fixing lights and satellites. The weight caused by a ladder on the roofing sheets can make you liable to an invalidation of warranty due to damage at your part, therefore, it is necessary that you should ask the contractor about the warranty issues which you may come up with use of a ladder.


One thing which you have to take care of is the quality of the aluminium used in the gutters. Moreover, you should also inquire about the spacing of brackets installed on the roof to hold the gutters. You have to be sure that the material which is used to install the entire drainage system including the gutter must be made with the supreme quality of material and fixing.

Employee or Sub-contractor

You must always ask the company which you have selected for gutter installation that if they handle the job with their own employee or hire sub-contractors. This is because the companies which hire sub-contractor often have a lower quality service while those having employees offer a better quality of service. Moreover, the company which has employees for working on any roof related issues are more responsible due to a direct communication which is not possible in case of sub-contractors.

Insurance and Compensation

Last but not the least, you must be aware of the insurance and compensation policy of the gutter contractor company as the installation of gutters at height of roof involves risk of falls and accidents. Moreover, a company which is not concerned about the law and their employees cannot be trusted for their service quality due to standardisation issues.
So, if you are about to hire some company for gutter installation at your home, you can definitely ask for the above 5 questions to get the maximum quality of service and satisfaction.

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