Perfect General Contractors


Frisco, TX 75033

Company Info

  • Est. 2016
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Perfect Office Park

Project Information

Project Location:
Frisco, TX
Structure Type:
Office Building

Scope Of Work

Perfect Office Park is an 18,200 SF office condominium project onĀ 4433 Punjab Way, Frisco, TX. The project comprises of four office buildings. Two buildings are each 4,200 SF and the other two buildings are each 4,900 SF. Each building is designed for four, fully functional office suites. The project is designed with a courtyard style connectivity between buildings featuring a water fountain and park style benches. We call Perfect Office Park, our Home. Our neighbors in the Perfect Office Park include a large CPA firm, a Neurology group, a Brain Medicine center, and a Driving School.

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