Loren Wood Builders LLC

Bloomington, IN 47401

Company Info

  • Est. 2010
  • Size 100-249 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Spaah Day Spa & Massage Therapy

Project Information

Project Location:
Structure Type:
Medical Office

Scope Of Work

Donna Lafferty reached out to Loren Wood Builders’ Commercial team when she decided to move to a new location from her established place of business on 10th street to the former surgery center located at the corner of 2nd and Rogers. The timing was critical since the existing Spaah building had been sold and there was a requirement to vacate within 30 days.

The surgery center consisted of an operating room, pre and post-operative service bays, patient consultation rooms and a shared set of mechanicals that simultaneously serve 2 tenant spaces. There was also dedicated electrical service for the operating room, medical gas services throughout, operating room lighting, and several button-activated doors to enter and exit from the surgery suite.

Changing the recovery rooms into massage rooms involved closing in shared bathroom doors, relocating doors to the hallways and finishing each room with paint and generally patching where medical gas panels were previously located. The operating room was more challenging and was split into 3 rooms (2 for future use and one for manicure/pedicure stations). All dedicated power was removed, circuits re-routed to power future needs.

The patient prep areas were converted into an office and lounge while the staff lounge became the location of the sauna. Two new rooms for esthetics were added with plumbing to support the addition of soaking tubs later. Given the scope of work and the importance to Donna to be back open we had to maximize our schedule, putting multiple trades in tight spaces at the same time. It was a closely managed effort with great results in a very short period of time. A special thanks to all the partners, Commecial Services, General Interiors, and Modern Masterpice Painting, that worked with us to really push this through in a short timeframe!

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