Loren Wood Builders LLC

Bloomington, IN 47401

Company Info

  • Est. 2010
  • Size 100-249 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Oliver Winery

Project Information

Project Location:
Structure Type:
Retail Store

Scope Of Work

We were hired by Oliver Winery to help them transform their tasting room into a more contemporary and open space and to execute the vision brought by the team at DELV Design.

The interior of the tasting room is built around a post and beam construction with traditional, pegged mortice and tendon joinery exposed inside the space. The exterior walls are framed in structural insulated panels (SIPs) which are plywood panels with built-in inch rigid foam insulation between them. Our work included modifying the SIPS along the entire north-facing wall to incorporate continuous windows and doors that open the space up to the patio, landscaping, and lake. The centerpiece of the renovation is the main bar and tasting area, which was updated with a complete overhaul, including honed quartz and installation of custom metal panels by Clutch Fabrication and Design. The entire tasting room was repainted, and lighting was updated, creating an open, bright, and inviting space.

We are proud of our team and partners and want to give special thanks to Clutch Fabrications and Modern Masterpiece Painting & Cleaning for coming together to help us meet a demanding schedule on this project. We were excited to deliver in the allotted timeframe and thrilled to be a part of the history of the building and the beautiful space and vision that Oliver Winery has created.

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