Loren Wood Builders LLC

Bloomington, IN 47401

Company Info

  • Est. 2010
  • Size 100-249 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Innovative Financial Solutions Office

Project Information

Project Location:
Structure Type:
Office Building

Scope Of Work

Innovative Financial Solutions contacted Loren Wood Builders to bring a more updated look to their office space located on East Winslow Road. The objective was to lighten up the space, and make it more contemporary. Springpoint Architects came up with a great design that would fill their needs.

Our work included taking out all of the floor coverings, closing in office spaces and dividing the main workspace into a designated workroom, with another room for general office spaces. All interior doors were replaced with white oak, full glass doors that allow additional light into each office. New cabinetry was custom made and installed to match the new look. Bathrooms were redone with new fixtures, ADA handrails and plumbing to meet accessibility guidelines.

As with many renovations, lighting was a key factor. For this project, we cut four new window openings in the conference rooms and installed Kolbe double-pane windows for sound insulation. Each conference room now has a set of two, eight-foot windows and matching eight-foot tall doors to allow natural light in from the reception area. The lighting package includes bidirectional LED light fixtures that cast light both up towards the ceiling and down to the work surfaces.

The dated popcorn textured ceiling was covered with new drywall to give a flat, finished look and to better dissipate the light from the new fixtures.

This commercial project took just over 3 months from start to finish and the end result is definitely one we are proud of.

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