
MIL-VET Professional Divers LLC

Crivitz, WI 54114

Company Info

  • Est. 2010
  • Size 5-9 Employees
  • Annual Vol < $500,000
  • DUNS # 079712264


By: Gerard "Greywolf" Babin
November 2015

For years Trained Commercial Divers have dealt with Marine Companies & Recreational Dive Shops "Moonlighting" as Commercial Diving Companies. As the economy gets tighter it seems everyone who works or plays on the water that can hold their breath for 4 minutes claims they are a "Commercial Diver". Now SCUBA Stores are joining  the growing number of faux commercial diving agencies already being tracked and reported daily to the governing authorities.

Men of honor was one of the best Docu-Drama's to hit the screens in 2000, the Divers portrayed in the movie exemplified the real life requirements working divers face in training and the dangers of the work we are trained to perform. If you own a business that uses Divers and haven't seen it - it would do you well to enjoy the film.

"The biggest insult I have ever received at the age of 49 was from a local recreational diver who; had to know who trained me and what I thought of his crew; knowing full well that I knew what he was doing was illegal. He has not spoken to me since.  I am now ever vigilant over his activities in the community we both now live and work in; for the financial protection of those we both serve."

Since 1990 ( the year I returned home from Military Service & re entered the industry) there were over 200 Commercial Divers killed in the performance of their duties; many were trained Military Veterans who knew their mission and exactly how to execute it. There were also over 1000 SCUBA Divers killed in that time in countless "accidents" that should never have occurred and would not have, had they not misrepresented themselves to be what we are.But they continue unreported and undisciplined to save money.

The morning of February 25th 1993, my mentor, trainer, and friend; an expert underwater salvor was killed while making a dive that would have killed me had he not relieved me in the cycle. He had relieved me on deck that morning so I could witness the birth of my first born son. He died at the exact second my son took his first breath. His last words to me that night before my chopper lifted off were - " Say a prayer for the stranger son; with every life given one is sacrificed". They were the last words I ever heard him speak. 

Butch Mabes was everything I (at 24) envisioned a Commercial Diver to be, brash rude live & party hard & the big brother I never had (as were all the men on the team that had trained me). He was also the most safety conscious diver I had ever worked with, constantly drilling into my head the importance of every piece of gear we were required to own & deploy on every job without excuse. I only hope in my career I have honored his life and the lives of the men that trained me by being as outspoken and vigilant on this subject as he taught me to be. He hated SCUBA divers with a passion - one company had killed a friend of his using this mode and operating under a deceptive clause in the OSHA Standard - even back then in order to save cost on proper PPE. SCUBA Companies  were misrepresenting themselves as " Diving Companies" Economic hardships in the 70's & 80's gave working divers no options when legitimate overmanned companies could not hire them many paid with their lives others were not so lucky and survived. Not until the early nineties when Insurance rules that identified differences between SCUBA Centers & actual industry recognized Commercial Diving Companies in their policies ( now required by law) did this begin to change. But this fraud still continues today nationally in small communities. I had lost friends in the military, but Butch Mabe's death made me think about how short our lives below the waves really are & how important his beliefs were in keeping both us alive. A constant reminder that tomorrow I may not come home so regardless of the "cost"' speak and be heard.

"Set the example so you never become one" he would tell me.  "No job is worth your dignity or your life" .

A few weeks after his death, I received an envelope with some things he had left  me  (I never got to know his wife and son- wish I had). One document stuck out that I had never seen before - It was an old copy of USCG regulations for our craft. Up until that day I thought the only rules that applied were written by the US Navy. These rules clearly defined and deepened my responsibility as a Working Diver & later as a supervisor. Butch had told me once that "the USCG are the Cops of the Sea Jarhead"; anywhere they can squeeze a cutter ( which included rivers and lakes) is their jurisdiction the Navy sets our standards the Coast Guard enforces it. Never let a bubble blower get away with claiming to be what we have earned." A lie is a lie no  matter the reason or size of it.( My Grandfather said this)

The ANSI Standard in The United States says that "ANY Diver working for pay must meet the OSHA criteria for Commercial Divers- No SCUBA agency in this country is qualified at this level regardless of the "Title" printed on their Dive Card. PADI & NAUI do not train individuals to work underwater, only to play.

29CFR 1910 Sub Part "T" contains a clause exempting Recreational Divers "training new scuba divers" because this and only this is their legal bread and butter. And the only thing that they can legally receive payment for -NOTHING else.  It does not allow them ( Nor does PADI -the professional association of {scuba}diving instructors) to contract their recreational diving gear & card to perform work for any business regardless of cost. This is the LAW and the Coast Guard enforces it with an Iron Fist. The Divers Association of which I am a proud member has posted a document organized by one of our female divers ( also well known for being an outspoken safety advocate in our industry), it details the severity of the current issue dangers & deaths related to those who daily make a living off of the misrepresentation that they are trained divers.

A commercial diver is a specially trained underwater multi craftsmen, an expert seaman

A SCUBA diver is an underwater tourist, nothing more.

A Master Commercial Diver has the industry recognized authority to control the entire deck of any ocean going vessel ( civilian and in some cases military) answering Only to the Captain first and the safety officer second. He and he alone is solely responsible for the lives and safety of his team & the success or failure of his team's mission -the company's integrity & reputation. We are not welcome in most country clubs, church socials or any other place hard corps die hard roughnecks are forbidden. We refer to ships as ladies the sea floor as our office and the water as our chosen final resting place. There is nothing we do not know regarding the hull of a ship its engines or bridge, pipe & gas lines, Oil Rigs, or the sea life that surrounds it. Our skin contains more salt than water and bilge grease not dirt below our nails.

A Master SCUBA diver has the authority to teach & lead "tourist divers" in shallow water (up to 100') on wreck, cave & reef dives. This is the only allowance by OSHA to MASTER SCUBA DIVERS or SCUBA instructors to collect pay.

Any company being conned into believing your SCUBA contractor is a legitimate Commercial Diving Company should contact your local US Coast Guard Station for facts.  The difference in "interpreting" OSHA's written word & Spoken Governmental Jurisdiction (USCG Rule; is the straw that could make or break a business or a contract.

The willful employment of recreational Divers to cut cost is not only deadly & illegal it also denies that company the expertise that legitimate commercial divers practice both on land and in the water daily.

Welders Fitters, Machinists, Engineers, Electricians and even Medics. A legal & properly deployed team can save a company thousands in incorrectly performed work & millions in losses due to poor unskilled workmanship or worse - an accident. Be aware that over 90% of underwater SCUBA accidents become fatalities due to lack of proper manning, communication & most important training.

Get it?

Commercial Diver/Commercial SCUBA Diver PPE as Required by USN,USACE, USCG & OSHA - the only difference remove the tether ( Dive Hose) and add 1- 50 lb air tank this diver has one already on his back for emergency egress should he need to cut himself free. but his entire body including his head are protected.

29 CFR 1910

A PADI MASTER DIVER ( legally at work) with Student 1 80lb. tank each. An entangled diver will consume over 200lbs of air within 3 minutes of an entrapment event. Often found dead just feet from the surface.

The Difference is obvious but the wrong choice can and has destroyed many businesses. Yours could be next. Is it worth the savings now?

There are Certified Commercial Divers in every shipyard working as craftsmen & women - they are experts in every craft, use them thank them  benefit & learn from them. Nothing to lose everything to gain.

We identify ourselves whenever we relocate to the local authorities, Coast Guard Stations, local businesses, municipal governments / environmental, utility  services, & Military Posts; in the event they require additional in water equipment & support during a disaster, sinking, environmental issues, HAZ-MAT emergencies or an Ice penetration occurs. They know where we live, work & shop just in case there is an emergency - shouldn't you. 

My name & business are registered (by requirement) with FBO, GSA, Duns, The City's of Marinette, Menominee, Oconto, Peshtigo, Stephenson, Wausaukee,  & their law enforcement agencies, as well as their fire departments, The USCG, OSHA, the USACE, & include American Hydro, Lockheed Martin, & NAV SEA, the United States ARMY National Guard Wisconsin/ Michigan, & US NAVY for support services thru FBO. Our failure to report known incidents and violations is a violation of our credentials and could result in the revocation of our Diving Credentials, the right to contract with the United States Government or Municipalities as a business entity or obtain work with any agency that provides credentialed divers.

Thanks for your time I hope my rant was educational and informative.

These are only my opinions gathered from 30 years in both the Ship building & from My Career as a Working Professional Diver/Businessman

Happy Holidays

(Mr. Babin is a published author on both LinkedIn & Facebook with over 20 articles listed he is always available for question and or speaking engagements on in water industrial safety.)

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