
Emergency Environmental Services

Haslet, TX 76052

Company Info

  • Est. 2014
  • Size 10-19 Employees
  • Annual Vol $3 million - $6 million
  • DUNS # 080305524

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Glen Rose tanker rollover

Project Information

Project Location:
Glen Rose, TX
Approx Contract:
Completed - Jan 2017
Structure Type:
Misc Project


Expressway Transport

Scope Of Work

Job was to remediate contamination from a fuel tanker roll over in the City of Glen Rose, TX.  Incident happened just outside of the downtown district of the small town of Glen Rose.  Tanker was carrying 5,000 gallons of fuel.  All contents were lost to the spill except 500 gallons of super unleaded that was saved in the forward most compartment.  In all 4,000 gallons of diesel was lost and 500 gallons of unleaded were lost.  Total dig took three months and removed over 3,500 yards of contaminated soil.  Highlights are that the job was done for far less than insurance expected being that the total bill for the remediation was just shy of $500,000.  Jobs half this size, with none of the logistical challenges of minimal access for equipment and trucks, the impacting of 5 different property owners including the city, county, state and two private individuals, would have associated cost in the $1 million plus range.  Customer and all impacted parties were very satisfied with our process.  

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