
Window Tint LA

Santa Monica, CA 90405

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Window Tint Installation | Pacific Palisades

Project Information

Project Location:
Pacific Palisades, CA
Completed - Mar 2016
Structure Type:

Scope Of Work

We recently completed installing window film to this stunning Pacific Palisades home. The owners wanted to

-Block Heat

-UV Rays

-Add Privacy to Bathroom


Despite having low-e windows, their home would still get very hot mid afternoon, additionally, UV rays where damaging the furniture and flooring. Fading of their floor was especially evident where there was a skylight directly above it. The beaming sun coming through the skylight damage their hardwood floors and the fading was becoming noticeable. Lastly, they were concerned that their neighbors where able to see directly into their bathroom because their bathroom window faced their neighbors home.

What Film Was installed?

We installed a combination of films. For the parts of the house where heat and UV rays where a concern we installed Huper Optiks Ceramic 60. The film blocks heat, 99.9% of UV Rays, and is undetectably clear so they were able to maintain a natural view out but still block heat and harmful UV Rays. For the Skylights we added Huper Optiks Ceramic film to a few and frost film to others. For  one the bathroom we installed Architectural Frost. Architectural frost will block visibility but still allow 73-89% of light to pass through and the other bathroom where privacy wasn’t an issue but heat was, we installed Huper Optiks Ceramic 60 film

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