
Duraamen Engineered Products, Inc.

Cranbury, NJ 08512

Company Info

  • Est. 2002
  • Size 20-49 Employees

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Alex and Ani Retail Store

Project Information

Project Location:
Providence, RI
Structure Type:
Retail Store

Scope Of Work

Alex & Ani desired a high shine polished concrete floor for their flagship retail store in Providence, RI. However, there was a problem. The store’s flooring was a gypsum-based underlayment. Gypsum cannot be polished and does not normally accept concrete overlays.

Fortunately Duraamen’s Skraffino concrete microtopping/overlay is the only product that can be applied directly over a gypsum-based underlayment. After the application  Skraffino, a super-durable epoxy coating, was applied over the newly resurfaced concrete.

Finally one  Duraamen’s solvent-based polyurethane top coats was applied for its superior protection and aesthetic qualities. The versatile nature  Duraamen’s urethane top coats allowed for the enhancement ofa non-skid flooring surface at the entrance of the store by simply integrating the appropriate additive.

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