
The TGT Group

Houston, TX 77292

Company Info

  • Est. 1986
  • Size 5-9 Employees

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Cameron, LNG

Project Information

Project Location:
Houston, TX
Completed - Sep 2014
Structure Type:
Office Building


Cameron, LNG
General Contractor:
Ryan Hatch - Project Procurement Supervisor
(832) 783-5512
Cameron, LNG

Scope Of Work

     The Executives at the Cameron, LNG Offices in Houston contacted us to help them with the privacy of their conference rooms.  After talking to them and understanding their needs we came up with the solution to use 3M Fasara Decorative  Sagano film to tint two of the four rows of windows. By doing this natural light is allowed in as well as privacy from employees who are walking by the conference room when in use.

  The same film and technique was used for two of the Executive’s personal offices.  Before the offices didn’t offer any privacy and the natural light that came in from the outside windows beamed through into the hallways. Now with the application of the 3M Fasara  Film’s Sagano Film natural light is kept within the office and the Executives have privacy while holding meetings or talking to clients.

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