Commercial Kitchen Hoods Manhattan

April 2015

commercial kitchen hoods manhattanHow to Prevent Fires in NYC Restaurants? Here’s a simple fact about New York City restaurant fires.  Grease buildup is most likely the culprit.

Especially in NYC where traffic is high and time is at a premium, Manhattan Commercial Kitchen operators may not be tending to the routine maintenance and cleaning that commercial kitchen hoods require.  Commercial kitchen ventilation systems have improved vastly over the years but they cannot scrape the grease of the interior walls of the duct work.

Operators of food establishments “failure to clean” is not only unsanitary, not only does it ruin the taste and flavor of your food but yes, it raises the level of risk that a fire could break out in your restaurant kitchen.

A recent study by the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) showed a quarter billion dollars in property damage last year alone due to restaurant fires in commercial kitchens with grease build-up being a main contributor.  And it’s not just grease itself but grease vapor accumulation in the hood systems and duct work that leads to lost revenue and costly repairs.

What can a Manhattan Restaurateur do to address these unseen dangers lurking in their commercial kitchen system?

First and foremost, schedule a top down review and inspection of your entire commercial kitchen and of the commercial kitchen ventilation system, commercial kitchen exhaust system, the inner space between fryers and ranges and ovens.  Don’t leave anything to chance especially if you have not had a thorough review done in a while.

If you don’t keep your commercial kitchen hoods Manhattan exhaust system clean as much as three inches of grease can accumulate on the bottom of horizontal duct sections. Improperly cleaned hoods can likewise accelerate fires if not cleaned regularly.  Having enough access panels is one way to make sure that the interiors of your duct work are able to be cleaned regularly.

Another hazard that is easily overlooked, other than by professionals such as Master Fire is that grease vapor travels upward.  It can wind up accumulating and even solidifying on the rooftop of your building as it travels up the exhaust system and becomes solid on the fan blades and housing.  Making the investment in a rooftop grease containment system can not only negate the possibility that grease turning into a potential ignition source, but can mitigate the effects of costly structural damage. Further, grease on the rooftop can run off into the water drainage system which means you are open to huge fines from the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency).

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