
SAF, Inc.


Lorton, VA 22079

Company Info

  • Est. 2007
  • Size 10-19 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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NAVFAC Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Repairs Navy Operational Support Center

Project Information

Project Location:
Youngstown, OH
Approx Contract:
Structure Type:
Power Generation & Distribution


NAVFAC Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Repairs Navy Operational Support Center Youngstown, OH

Scope Of Work

The work involved demolition, renovation and new construction for improvement of the HVAC systems in Buildings 540 and 541 of the Navy Operational Support Center (NOSC) in Youngstown, Ohio. Building 540 included demolishing the existing HVAC control system, which was a combination of pneumatic and electronic controls, and providing a new DDC control system. Demolish and replace the air handling unit and return air fan located in Rooms 101 and 131. Demolish the heating and ventilating unit, supply fan, and exhaust fans located in Room 234 that serve the men’s and women’s toilet/locker room areas. Provide a new air handling unit with a cooling section and an energy recovery section to provide exhaust and make-up air for Room 234. The project included demolishing one hot water boiler and providing a new high efficiency condensing boiler. Demolish two roof mounted condensing units and their associated indoor chiller and provide two new air-cooled roof mounted chillers. Demolish and replace hot water circulating pumps and demolish the abandoned overhead hot water expansion tank. Demolish and replace the hot water air separator and pot feeder. Replace the chilled water circulating pump with two new pumps and replace the hot water expansion tank and pot feeder. Provide a chilled water air separator and replace pipe insulation in three mechanical rooms. The project also included performing Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing (TAB) of the HVAC and exhaust systems in the building. Building 541 included demolishing and replacing the existing make-up air unit, two electric wall heaters, and a window air conditioner. Also provided two new Packaged Terminal Air Conditioning (PTAC) units.

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