


Fenton, MO 63026

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  • Est. 1916
  • Size 500+ Employees
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ConAgra Foods, New Office Building & Coating Room

Project Information

Project Location:
Lincoln, NE
Completed - Jul 2012
Structure Type:
Manufacturing Plant


ConAgra Foods
SSOE, Inc.

Scope Of Work

Walbridge was contracted by ConAgra Foods to execute a project which consisted of a new office building and new coating room at their Lincoln, Nebraska location. This plant produces ConAgra’s candied and flavored popcorn line.

The scope of work included demolishing an existing structure to build the new two-story office. Additionally, another existing two-story structure within the plant was demolished to make room for the new coating room. Prior to demolition, Walbridge built a containment structure around the project area to isolate all the demolition debris and construction dust as the plant remained operational.

Walbridge used a directional bore to connect the drain lines of the coating room to existing sanitary lines located in the process room. This avoided having to dismantle packaging equipment and allowing us to complete our work without disrupting the plant’s operations.

Additional scope of work was added including:

Construction of a new electrical room with a new 480 volt service

Structural support for new conveyor system installed on the mezzanine during a schedules plant shut down

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