
Lakewood Construction, Inc.


Holland, MI 49424

Company Info

  • Est. 1971
  • Size 20-49 Employees
  • Annual Vol $10 million - $20 million

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Rosewood Church | Addition & Remodel

Project Information

Project Location:
Rapids, MI
Approx Contract:
Completed - Jun 2018
Structure Type:
Church / Synagogue

Scope Of Work

The original Rosewood Church building constructed in 1972 had its share of renovation and addition projects over the years—the most recent in 1994 was the Youth Building.

Within this current addition and renovation program, plans include roof repairs, expanding the sanctuary and removing a wall in the narthex to open the space up, provide additional barrier-free restroom facilities, a new elevator, and upgrade the kitchen facilities to meet commercial-grade standards.

The exterior of the sanctuary addition will consist of metal and glass to give the presence of a modern-day assembly. The front entryway includes a new drive-through canopy.

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