PBG Builders, Inc.


Goodlettsville, TN 37072

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  • Est. 1991
  • Size 20-49 Employees
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Baptist Medical Parking Garage

Project Information

Project Location:
Nashville, TN
Structure Type:
Parking Garage

Scope Of Work

Any construction company that comes into a healthcare environment, especially a hospital, has to be top notch. They have to have discipline in their construction activities that give us the securities that we’re going to protect our patients. There’s very little margin for error when you bid a contract, and with Powell, you’re pretty well assured that you have a teammate that’s working along the same lines as you are.

The design of this four-story garage had to complement the existing architecture on the Baptist Hospital campus. At the same time, construction required a particular emphasis on patient safety, as it does on any health care project.

The garage provides 300 additional spaces for patients, visitors, physicians, and office staff at the Mid-State Medical Center. It also connects to the hospital’s crosswalk, offering easier access to all interior areas of the Baptist complex.

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