Company Info

  • Est. 1981
  • Size 20-49 Employees
  • Annual Vol $6 million - $10 million

Data / Distribution Emergency Backup Power Center Case Study

By: Dan O'Brien
August 2016

Winebow is a commercial office space/data center client that was looking for a backup power solution. This is their main corporate data center for multiple locations throughout the state of New Jersey and does their importing of wine from Europe. So, when we’re home asleep Europe is running, power needs to stay on whether it’s day or night. The data center has got to stay up and running continuously so that the orders get placed and the products gets delivered on time.

So, we had to excavate and stub up some conduits, form a pad, get ready to pour the concrete and get the concrete pad pored for the generator. On the inside there was the installation of the transfer switch, which intercepted the entire electrical service and just electrically locked out the chiller which does the main air-conditioning for the office space. However, the HVAC system for the data center was powered by the generator so that the cooling system for the data center would have backup power along with the data center. We craned the generator up and over some trees that were in the way to preserve the landscaping of the facility and get the generator set on to the concrete pad. Then the cabling was done, and everything was tied in.

This particular gen set was a 200KW diesel fueled Cummins Onan generator. We didn't want to be reliant on the gas utility company to back up the electric company. We know with a diesel fuel generator, as long as we have fuel we’re good to go. Even through Sandy, although the generator had run for over two weeks we never ran a client out of fuel, we always manage to get that fuel to them.

For more information call: Call Dan O'Brien Toll Free 1 (888) NO JUICE (665-8423)

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