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  • Est. 1981
  • Size 20-49 Employees
  • Annual Vol $6 million - $10 million

Data Center Case Study Emergency Backup Power

By: Dan O'Brien
August 2016

We received a phone call from another electrical contractor who was looking for assistance for his client Net-a-Porter in Mahwah, NJ for the installation of the generator. He knew that it was beyond his ability to do the Gen Set install and he was looking to subcontract the install to us so that he could maintain the relationship that he had with his client. The original approach was to use a small 200 KW generator and adding multiple circuits throughout the building which involved a lot of interior rewiring in order to pick up isolated circuits. After looking at the expense of all of the intense electrical work it would've taken inside the building, we recommended installing a larger generator that would accommodate the entire facility. Again the thought process was originally just to keep the data center up, the robot that picks the product in the warehouse running, all of the electronics that it would require, and the phone system up so that they could take orders. We explained that although the orders would be able to be taken and entered into the computer but by not picking up the entire facility, there would not be one order leaving on a truck in order for them to be paid for their product.

The original approach of implementing a smaller generator-with a lower cost which would keep their data center, their phones and their order taking up, but would not allow them to ship anything proved not to be the most cost effective solution. The cost of a larger generator to do the entire facility was almost the same as purchasing and installing a smaller generator with the extensive electrical work it would have required.

By reexamining their options we were able to give backup power to the facility and the entire operation will continue to run seamlessly in the event of the utility failure. For more information call: Call Dan O'Brien Toll Free 1 (888) NO JUICE (665-8423)

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