
Flintco LLC


Memphis, TN 38133

Company Info

  • Est. 1908
  • Size 20-49 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

Featured Project Return to Projects List

FedEx Main Screening Facility

Project Information

Project Location:
Memphis, TN
Structure Type:
Industrial Maintenance


FedEx Express

Scope Of Work

The 44,000 SF FedEx Main Screening Facility includes a 280-foot pedestrian skybridge, spanning 5-lanes of vehicle traffic that accommodates approximately 7,000 employees twice daily. The entire project was completed 1 month ahead of schedule. The bridge was prefabricated offsite and installed during the holiday season – the heaviest shipping volume of the year for FedEX. Instead of closing adjacent roads for 60 days as originally proposed, Flintco revised the approach to complete bridge installation with only minimal impact to surrounding traffic (hours not days). This LEED® Silver certified project features many sustainable components including 44 folded transparent screens that make up the bridge with sheets of perforated aluminum, reducing glare and solar heat gain.

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