
D.A. Collins Construction Co., Inc.


Gansevoort, NY 12831

Company Info

  • Est. 1946
  • Size 10-19 Employees
  • Annual Vol Undisclosed

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Interstate 89 - Colchester

Project Information

Project Location:
Colchester, VT
Structure Type:

Scope Of Work

Rehabilitation of these bridges included the replacement of heavily deteriorated bridge decks with new precast deck panels, the performance of steel repairs, as well as the replacement of the bridge backwalls, approach slabs, and sleeper slabs. KCC utilized Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) methods for this project by precasting all of the panels/segments prior to installation.

Traffic was maintained by creating crossovers at the beginning and end of the project to direct traffic safely around the work zone. These crossovers allowed KCC to complete the necessary preparations throughout the week while maintaining the original flow of two open lanes in the peak direction along with one lane in the opposite direction. It also allowed KCC to shut down one side of the highway to complete the bridge deck replacements during the weekends while maintaining one lane of traffic in each direction.

This project allotted for six separate weekend shutdowns to perform the rehabilitation work on the four bridges.

The first weekend included the demo and replacement of the existing backwalls on the 77N bridge, as well as the placement of the newly fabricated sleeper slabs. The second weekend involved the demolition and replacement of the existing bridge deck on 77N while also performing the backwall and sleeper slab replacement on bridge 76N. On the third weekend, KCC demolished and replaced the existing bridge deck on bridge 76N.

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