Hillside Repair & Drilling
Placentia, CA 92870
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Our Story
Founded in 1978, Hillside Repair and Drilling, Inc. is a licensed contractor serving the greater Los Angeles area. Our services include: remedial construction of slope failures, slope retaining devices, terrace drains, down drains, drilling, caissons, hillside foundations, underpinning, retaining walls, shot crete, tie backs, concrete structures, hillside decks, shoring, as well as earthquake and insurance repairs.
Commercial Experience
Misc Project
Apartments & Condominiums
Civil & Site Development
Design Build
Mixed Use
Non-Building Construction
Non-Residential Building
Residential Building
Single Family Residential
Swimming Pool
Tract Housing
Regions & Counties Serviced
- Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties
California 2
- Los Angeles
- Orange
Our CSI Codes
01 73 23 - Bracing and Anchoring
01 89 13 - Site Preparation Performance Requirements
01 89 16 - Site Improvements Performance Requirements
01 89 19 - Site Plumbing Utilities Performance Requirements
01 89 23 - Site HVAC Utilities Performance Requirements
01 89 26 - Site Electrical Utilities Performance Requirements
01 89 29 - Other Site Construction Performance Requirements
02 25 16.13 - Concrete Assessment Drilling
02 32 13 - Subsurface Drilling and Sampling
02 32 19 - Exploratory Excavations
02 57 16 - Sinkhole Remediation by Backfilling
02 58 16 - Snow Avalanche Control
03 01 20 - Maintenance of Concrete Reinforcing
03 01 30 - Maintenance of Cast-in-Place Concrete
03 01 70 - Maintenance of Mass Concrete
03 06 20 - Schedules for Concrete Reinforcing
03 06 20.13 - Concrete Beam Reinforcing Schedule
03 06 20.16 - Concrete Slab Reinforcing Schedule
03 06 30 - Schedules for Cast-in-Place Concrete
03 06 30.13 - Concrete Footing Schedule
03 06 30.16 - Concrete Column Schedule
03 06 30.19 - Concrete Slab Schedule
03 06 30.23 - Concrete Shaft Schedule
03 06 30.26 - Concrete Beam Schedule
03 06 70 - Schedules for Mass Concrete
03 30 53 - Miscellaneous Cast-in-Place Concrete
03 31 13 - Heavyweight Structural Concrete
03 31 23 - High-Performance Structural Concrete
03 70 00.00.01 - Mass Concrete
03 71 00.00.01 - Mass Concrete for Raft Foundations
03 72 00.00.01 - Mass Concrete for Dams
06 01 80.51 - Composite Cleaning
06 01 80.91 - Composite Restoration
31 01 10 - Maintenance of Clearing
31 01 20 - Maintenance of Earth Moving
31 01 40 - Maintenance of Shoring and Underpinning
31 01 50 - Maintenance of Excavation Support and Protection
31 01 63 - Maintenance of Bored and Augered Piles
31 01 63.61 - Bored and Augered Pile Repairs
31 06 10 - Schedules for Clearing
31 06 20 - Schedules for Earth Moving
31 06 20.13 - Trench Dimension Schedule
31 06 40 - Schedules for Shoring and Underpinning
31 06 50 - Schedules for Excavation Support and Protection
31 06 60 - Schedules for Special Foundations and Load Bearing Elements
31 06 60.16 - Caisson Schedule
31 10 00.00.01 - Site Clearing
31 11 00.00.01 - Clearing and Grubbing
31 12 00.00.01 - Selective Clearing
31 14 13 - Soil Stripping and Stockpiling
31 14 13.13 - Soil Stripping
31 14 13.16 - Soil Stockpiling
31 14 13.23 - Topsoil Stripping and Stockpiling
31 14 16 - Sod Stripping and Stockpiling
31 14 16.13 - Sod Stripping
31 14 16.16 - Sod Stockpiling
31 20 00.00.01 - Earth Moving
31 22 13 - Rough Grading
31 22 16 - Fine Grading
31 22 19 - Finish Grading
31 22 19.13 - Spreading and Grading Topsoil
31 23 13 - Subgrade Preparation
31 23 16 - Excavation
31 23 16.13 - Trenching
31 23 16.16 - Structural Excavation for Minor Structures
31 23 16.26 - Rock Removal
31 23 33 - Trenching and Backfilling
31 24 13 - Roadway Embankments
31 24 16 - Railway Embankments
31 30 00.00.01 - Earthwork Methods
31 32 13 - Soil Mixing Stabilization
31 32 13.13 - Asphalt Soil Stabilization
31 32 13.16 - Cement Soil Stabilization
31 32 13.19 - Lime Soil Stabilization
31 32 13.23 - Fly-Ash Soil Stabilization
31 32 13.26 - Lime-Fly-Ash Soil Stabilization
31 32 16 - Chemical Treatment Soil Stabilization
31 32 16.13 - Polymer Emulsion Soil Stabilization
31 32 19 - Geosynthetic Soil Stabilization and Layer Separation
31 32 19.13 - Geogrid Soil Stabilization
31 32 19.16 - Geotextile Soil Stabilization
31 32 33 - Shotcrete Soil Slope Stabilization
31 32 36 - Soil Nailing
31 32 36.13 - Driven Soil Nailing
31 32 36.19 - Corrosion-Protected Soil Nailing
31 33 23 - Rock Slope Netting
31 33 26 - Rock Slope Wire Mesh
31 33 43 - Vegetated Rock Slope Stabilization
31 35 19 - Geosynthetic Slope Protection
31 35 19.13 - Geogrid Slope Protection
31 35 19.16 - Geotextile Slope Protection
31 35 19.19 - Slope Protection with Mulch Control Netting
31 35 23 - Slope Protection with Slope Paving
31 35 23.13 - Cast-In-Place Concrete Slope Paving
31 35 26 - Containment Barriers
31 35 26.13 - Clay Containment Barriers
31 35 26.16 - Geomembrane Containment Barriers
31 35 26.23 - Bentonite Slurry Trench
31 40 00.00.01 - Shoring and Underpinning
31 45 13 - Vibroflotation
31 45 16 - Densification
31 46 13 - Cantilever Needle Beams
31 48 13 - Underpinning Piers
31 48 19 - Bracket Piers
31 48 33 - Micropile Underpinning
31 51 13 - Excavation Soil Anchors
31 51 16 - Excavation Rock Anchors
31 52 13 - Sheet Piling Cofferdams
31 52 16 - Timber Cofferdams
31 52 19 - Precast Concrete Cofferdams
31 53 13 - Timber Cribwork
31 54 00.00.01 - Ground Freezing
31 56 13 - Bentonite Slurry Walls
31 56 13.13 - Soil-Bentonite Slurry Walls
31 56 13.16 - Cement-Bentonite Slurry Walls
31 56 13.19 - Slag-Cement-Bentonite Slurry Walls
31 56 13.23 - Soil-Cement-Bentonite Slurry Walls
31 56 13.26 - Pozzolan-Bentonite Slurry Walls
31 56 13.29 - Organically-Modified Bentonite Slurry Walls
31 56 16 - Attipulgite Slurry Walls
31 56 16.13 - Soil-Attipulgite Slurry Walls
31 56 19 - Slurry-Geomembrane Composite Slurry Walls
31 56 23 - Lean Concrete Slurry Walls
31 60 00.00.01 - Special Foundations and Load-Bearing Elements
31 63 26 - Drilled Caissons
31 63 26.13 - Fixed End Caisson Piles
31 63 26.16 - Concrete Caissons for Marine Construction
31 63 29 - Drilled Concrete Piers and Shafts
31 63 29.13 - Uncased Drilled Concrete Piers
31 63 33 - Drilled Micropiles
31 64 13 - Box Caissons
31 64 16 - Excavated Caissons
31 64 19 - Floating Caissons
31 64 23 - Open Caissons
31 64 26 - Pneumatic Caissons
31 64 29 - Sheeted Caissons
31 66 16.46 - Slurry Diaphragm Foundation Walls
31 66 16.53 - Soldier-Beam Foundation Walls
31 68 13 - Rock Foundation Anchors
31 72 13 - Rock Reinforcement and Initial Support
31 75 13 - Cast-in-Place Concrete Shaft Lining
32 01 30 - Operation and Maintenance of Site Improvements
32 06 30 - Schedules for Site Improvements
32 06 30.13 - Retaining Wall Schedule
32 11 33 - Cement-Treated Base Courses
32 30 00.00.01 - Site Improvements
32 32 13 - Cast-in-Place Concrete Retaining Walls
32 32 16 - Precast Concrete Retaining Walls
32 32 19 - Unit Masonry Retaining Walls
32 32 23 - Segmental Retaining Walls
32 32 23.13 - Segmental Concrete Unit Masonry Retaining Walls
32 32 26 - Metal Crib Retaining Walls
32 32 29 - Timber Retaining Walls
32 32 34 - Reinforced Soil Retaining Walls
32 32 36 - Gabion Retaining Walls
32 32 43 - Soldier-Beam Retaining Walls
32 71 00.00.01 - Constructed Wetlands
32 72 00.00.01 - Wetlands Restoration
32 91 16 - Planting Soil Stabilization
32 91 16.13 - Blanket Planting Soil Stabilization
32 91 16.16 - Mat Planting Soil Stabilization
32 91 16.19 - Netting Planting Soil Stabilization
33 47 16.13 - Pond Covers
33 47 16.53 - Reservoir Covers
33 47 19.13 - Water Distribution Ponds
33 47 19.16 - Water Retainage Reservoirs
33 47 19.23 - Cooling Water Ponds
33 47 19.33 - Fire-Protection Water Ponds
33 47 23 - Sanitary Sewerage Lagoons
33 47 26 - Storm Drainage Ponds and Reservoirs
33 47 26.13 - Stabilization Ponds
33 47 26.16 - Retention Basins
33 47 26.19 - Leaching Pits
35 01 70 - Operation and Maintenance of Dams
35 05 70 - Common Work Results for Dams
35 06 70 - Schedules for Dams
35 31 16.16 - Segmental Seawalls
35 41 13 - Landside Levee Berms
35 41 13.13 - Stability Landside Levee Berms
35 41 13.16 - Seepage Landside Levee Berms
35 41 16 - Levee Cutoff Trenches
35 42 35 - Slope Protection Bank Protection
35 42 53.16 - Concrete Unit Masonry Wall Bank Protection
35 42 53.19 - Segmental Wall Bank Protection
35 42 53.40 - Stone Wall Bank Protection
35 43 35 - Slope Protection Scour Protection
35 43 53 - Wall Scour Protection
35 43 53.13 - Concrete Unit Masonry Wall Scour Protection
35 43 53.16 - Segmental Wall Scour Protection
35 43 53.40 - Stone Wall Scour Protection
35 49 13 - Floodwalls
35 49 13.13 - Concrete Floodwalls
35 53 43 - Underwater Foundation Construction
35 70 00.00.01 - Dam Construction and Equipment
35 71 13 - Concrete Gravity Dams
35 71 16 - Masonry Gravity Dams
35 72 13 - Concrete Arch Dams
35 73 13 - Earth Embankment Dam
35 74 13 - Concrete Buttress Dams
41 33 23 - Drilling Equipment
41 66 13 - Mobile Boring and Drilling Rigs
45 11 01 - Operation and Maintenance of Oil and Gas Extraction Equipment
45 11 06 - Schedules for Oil and Gas Extraction Equipment