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Our Story
Surface Restoration Services has been covering the Tri-State area for 7 years. We specialize in asbestos, lead and mold, both remediation and inspection, including RRP restoration. We also offer pre and post construction clean ups along with 24hr emergency service.
Regions & Counties Serviced
- New York City, Long Island and Hudson Valley
Connecticut All
New York 8
- Bronx
- Kings
- Nassau
- New York
- Queens
- Richmond
- Suffolk
- Westchester
Our CSI Codes
02 06 80 - Schedules for Facility Remediation
02 26 23 - Asbestos Assessment
02 26 26 - Lead Assessment
02 26 33.13 - Mold Assessment
02 61 26 - Removal and Disposal of Asbestos Contaminated Soils
02 82 13 - Asbestos Abatement
02 82 13.13 - Glovebag Asbestos Abatement
02 82 13.16 - Precautions for Asbestos Abatement
02 82 13.19 - Asbestos Floor Tile and Mastic Abatement
02 82 16 - Engineering Control of Asbestos Containing Materials
02 82 33 - Removal and Disposal of Asbestos Containing Materials
02 83 13 - Lead Hazard Control Activities
02 83 19 - Lead-Based Paint Remediation
02 83 19.13 - Lead-Based Paint Abatement
02 83 33 - Removal and Disposal of Material Containing Lead
02 83 33.13 - Lead-Based Paint Removal and Disposal
02 85 13 - Precautions for Mold Remediation
02 85 16 - Mold Remediation Preparation and Containment
02 85 19 - Mold Remediation Clearance Air Sampling
02 85 33 - Removal and Disposal of Materials with Mold
13 49 19 - Lead-Lined Materials