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Welcome to the Tank Depot in Dallas-Fort Worth
With a rich history of serving customers with excellence, the Tank Depot Dallas-Fort Worth store has become a trusted destination for individuals, businesses, and communities in search of efficient and cost-effective solutions to their water storage requirements.
Whether you’re looking for a small rain barrel or a massive industrial tank, the Tank Depot offers a wide range of products to meet your diverse storage demands, making it the go-to destination for all things water-related in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
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Regions & Counties Serviced
- New York City, Long Island and Hudson Valley
- Washington D.C.
- California-Los Angeles and Vicinity
- Florida-South-West Palm Beach, Miami, Naples
- Pennsylvania-Eastern
- New England
- Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties
- Chicago, N.W. Indiana
- San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose
- New Jersey - North
- Georgia
- Dallas, Fort Worth
- Houston
- Cleveland - Northeastern Ohio
- Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton - Southern Ohio
- Florida - North and Central
- Connecticut and Western Mass.
- San Antonio and Austin
- Michigan
- Virginia
- Arizona
- Seattle
- New Jersey - Central and Southern
- Minnesota - Minneapolis / St. Paul
- Missouri - St. Louis
- Pennsylvania - Pittsburgh, Western Pa.
- Colorado and Wyoming
- Missouri - Kansas City
- North Carolina and Upstate South Carolina
- Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay
- Indiana - Indianapolis and Vicinity
- Louisiana - New Orleans, Baton Rouge
- California-Central Valley-Sacramento, Fresno, Bakersfield
- Nevada - Las Vegas
- Portland
- San Diego and Imperial Counties
- Coastal Carolina
- Tennessee
- Utah
- New York - Upstate
- Maine, Vermont
- Alabama
- Mississippi
- Arkansas
- North and South Dakota
- Oklahoma
- Texas South
- Texas West
- New Mexico, El Paso, TX
- Iowa, Omaha, NE
- Montana
- Idaho, Eastern WA
- West Virginia
California All
Texas All
Our CSI Codes
01 51 16 - Temporary Fire Protection
01 78 43 - Spare Parts
02 65 00.00.01 - Underground Storage Tank Removal
10 01 40 - Operation and Maintenance of Safety Specialties
10 06 40 - Schedules for Safety Specialties
10 40 00.00.01 - Safety Specialties
10 41 13 - Fire Department Plan Cabinets
10 44 13 - Fire Extinguisher Cabinets
10 44 13.53 - Security Fire Extinguisher Cabinets
10 44 16 - Fire Extinguishers
10 44 16.13 - Portable Fire Extinguishers
10 44 16.16 - Wheeled Fire Extinguisher Units
10 44 33 - Fire Blankets and Cabinets
10 44 43 - Fire Extinguisher Accessories
21 01 20 - Operation and Maintenance of Fire-Extinguishing Systems
21 05 13 - Common Motor Requirements for Fire-Suppression Equipment
21 06 20 - Schedules for Fire-Extinguishing Systems
21 06 30 - Schedules for Fire-Suppression Equipment
21 09 00.00.01 - Instrumentation and Control for Fire-Suppression Systems
21 12 13 - Fire-Suppression Hoses and Nozzles
21 12 16 - Fire-Suppression Hose Reels
21 12 19 - Fire-Suppression Hose Racks
21 12 26 - Fire-Suppression Valve and Hose Cabinets
21 20 00.00.01 - Fire-Extinguishing Systems
21 21 16 - Carbon-Dioxide Fire-Extinguishing Equipment
21 24 16 - Dry-Chemical Fire-Extinguishing Equipment
21 41 13 - Pressurized Storage Tanks for Fire-Suppression Water
21 41 29 - Storage Tanks for Fire-Suppression Water Additives
22 12 23 - Facility Indoor Potable-Water Storage Tanks
22 12 23.13 - Facility Steel, Indoor Potable-Water Storage Pressure Tanks
22 12 23.16 - Facility Steel, Indoor Potable-Water Storage Non-Pressure Tanks
22 12 23.23 - Facility Plastic, Indoor Potable-Water Storage Pressure Tanks
22 12 23.26 - Facility Plastic, Indoor Potable-Water Storage Non-Pressure Tanks
22 31 13 - Residential Domestic Water Softeners
22 31 16 - Commercial Domestic Water Softeners
22 32 13 - Domestic-Water Bag-Type Filters
22 32 16 - Domestic-Water Freestanding Cartridge Filters
22 32 19 - Domestic-Water Off-Floor Cartridge Filters
22 32 23 - Domestic-Water Carbon Filters
22 32 26 - Domestic-Water Sand Filters
22 32 26.13 - Domestic-Water Circulating Sand Filters
22 32 26.16 - Domestic-Water Multimedia Sand Filters
22 66 83.13 - Chemical-Waste Dilution Tanks
22 66 83.16 - Chemical-Waste Neutralization Tanks
22 67 13.16 - Reverse-Osmosis Water Piping
22 67 13.19 - Deionized-Water Piping
22 67 19 - Processed Water Equipment for Laboratory and Healthcare Facilities
22 67 19.13 - Distilled-Water Equipment
22 67 19.16 - Reverse-Osmosis Water Equipment
22 67 19.19 - Deionized-Water Equipment
23 13 13 - Facility Underground Fuel-Oil, Storage Tanks
23 13 13.13 - Double-Wall Steel, Underground Fuel-Oil, Storage Tanks
23 13 13.16 - Composite, Steel, Underground Fuel-Oil, Storage Tanks
23 13 13.19 - Jacketed, Steel, Underground Fuel-Oil, Storage Tanks
23 13 13.23 - Glass-Fiber-Reinforced-Plastic, Underground Fuel-Oil, Storage Tanks
23 13 23.13 - Vertical, Steel, Aboveground Fuel-Oil, Storage Tanks
23 13 23.16 - Horizontal, Steel, Aboveground Fuel-Oil, Storage Tanks
23 13 23.19 - Containment-Dike, Steel, Aboveground Fuel-Oil, Storage Tanks
23 13 23.23 - Insulated, Steel, Aboveground Fuel-Oil, Storage Tanks
23 25 13 - Water Treatment for Closed-Loop Hydronic Systems
23 25 16 - Water Treatment for Open Hydronic Systems
23 25 19 - Water Treatment for Steam System Feedwater
23 25 23 - Water Treatment for Humidification Steam System Feedwater
23 51 43.16 - Particulate Filtration
25 33 00.00.01 - Integrated Automation Instrumentation and Terminal Devices for Fire-Suppression Systems
25 53 00.00.01 - Integrated Automation Control of Fire-Suppression Systems
25 93 00.00.01 - Integrated Automation Control Sequences for Fire-Suppression Systems
28 31 33.26 - Fire Detection and Alarm Interfaces to Intrusion Detection
28 31 43 - Fire Detection Sensors
28 31 46 - Smoke Detection Sensors
28 31 49 - Carbon-Monoxide Detection Sensors
28 31 53.13 - Fire Alarm Pull Stations
28 33 13 - Fuel-Gas Detection and Alarm Control, GUI, and Logic Systems
28 33 23 - Fuel-Gas Detection and Alarm Integrated Audio Evacuation Systems
28 33 33 - Fuel-Gas Detection Sensors
28 34 13 - Fuel-Oil Detection and Alarm Control, GUI, and Logic Systems
28 34 23 - Fuel-Oil Detection and Alarm Integrated Audio Evacuation Systems
28 34 33 - Fuel-Oil Detection Sensors
33 16 13.13 - Steel Aboveground Water Utility Storage Tanks
33 52 43.23 - Aviation Fuel Pumps
33 56 16 - Underground Fuel-Storage Tanks
33 56 43 - Aviation Fuel-Storage Tanks
33 56 43.13 - Aboveground Aviation Fuel-Storage Tanks
33 56 43.16 - Underground Aviation Fuel-Storage Tanks
33 56 53 - Compressed Gases Storage Tanks
41 52 16.19 - Steel Silos
41 52 19 - Material Storage Tanks
41 52 19.23 - Vertical Material Storage Tanks
41 52 19.33 - Portable Material Storage Tanks
41 67 23 - Plant Maintenance Tools
43 01 40 - Operation and Maintenance of Gas and Liquid Storage
43 22 63 - Liquid Separation Towers
43 32 33 - External Regeneration Systems
43 32 36 - Mixed-Bed Ion-Exchange Vessels
43 32 53 - Packed-Bed Ion-Exchange Vessels
43 32 56 - Reverse-Osmosis Purification Units
43 32 66 - Vacuum Degasifiers
43 32 69 - Chemical Feed Systems
43 32 76 - Chlorination Equipment
43 40 00.00.01 - Gas and Liquid Storage
43 41 13 - Gas and Liquid Pressure Vessels
43 41 13.13 - Ferrous Gas and Liquid Pressure Vessels
43 41 13.16 - Nonferrous Gas and Liquid Pressure Vessels
43 41 13.19 - Fiberglass Gas and Liquid Pressure Vessels
43 41 16 - Atmospheric Tanks and Vessels
43 41 16.13 - Horizontal Atmospheric Tanks and Vessels
43 41 16.16 - Vertical Atmospheric Tanks and Vessels
44 06 40 - Schedules for Water Treatment Equipment
44 40 00.00.01 - Water Treatment Equipment
44 42 26 - Water Treatment Comminutors
44 42 59 - Water Treatment Reactors
44 43 13 - Water Filters
44 44 13 - Water Treatment Chemical Feed Equipment
44 44 19 - Water Coagulators
44 44 23 - Water Dechlorinators
44 44 29 - Water Emulsifiers
44 44 33 - Water Emulsion Crackers
44 44 36 - Water Flocculators
44 44 39 - Water Fluoridation Equipment
44 44 46 - Water Hydrothermal Equipment
44 44 49 - Water Oils Treatment Equipment
44 44 53 - Water Oxidation/Reduction Equipment
44 44 56 - Water Ozone Equipment
44 44 69 - Water Pretreatment Equipment
44 45 13 - Water Biofilters