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What is  BB-Mail  ?
BB-Mail is The Electronic Blue Book's fast, free communication connection.

BB-Mail is an exciting new communication service that provides a direct link to any Electronic Blue Book listing with an e-mail address or fax number. It's designed to shorten your search time and enhance accessibility of Electronic Blue Book advertisers and listings.

Networking you to the construction industry, BB-Mail is an effective, time-saving way to request bids, get price quotes or ask questions of the companies listed in The Electronic Blue Book.

Here's how BB-Mail works - and it's as easy as 1-2-3:

1. Select a company (or companies) during your classification search that you would like to send a message to. Next, click on the BB-Mail icon next to their name.

2. This will bring you to the BB-Mail message screen, which will indicate how your message will be delivered (e-mail or fax). If the company you've selected has only a fax number, your e-mail will automatically be converted to a faxable format for immediate delivery.

3. Now, type in your message and indicate whether you would like the response via e-mail, phone or fax. Then click "Send Message" and your BB-Mail message will be transmitted and received in just minutes.

4. Click here to see the list of companies  that you already sent BB-Mail messages to.

BB-Mail also has the capability of maintaining and storing a list of the companies you've sent messages to - and is smart enough to remember the last message sent as well.

The Electronic Blue Book's new BB-Mail helps you network the entire construction industry, offering simplicity, speed - and success.

That's BB-Mail - and it's only in The Electronic Blue Book.

Click here for BB-Mail Terms of Use
BB-Mail is to be used expressly for industry related, business communication purposes. The Blue Book bears no responsibility for the content or subject matter of messages transmitted through this service.

Contractors Register, Inc.
Jefferson Valley, NY 10535
(800) 431-2584   Fax: (914) 243-0287

Copyright © 2000 Contractors Register, Inc.